I made this piece specifically with Illest of Ill in mind, and it turns out it got accepted, WHOOO! :) So I'll be dressing up all nice and fancy tomorrow night for the show. My excitement knows no bounds.
UPDATE! "Fuzz" was also accepted at TeeFury and will be made into a t-shirt! I don't know when it'll happen, but when it does it will be up for sale for a total of only 24 HOURS for $9.00 before they take it off the sale market. If you also go to Threadless.com, you can vote on my piece for one full week. If it gets enough good scores, it may win and I could get a cash prize, and the shirt will always be up for sale on the website. GO GO GO!
UPDATE. AGAIN. Several hundred "Fuzz" shirts sold on teefury, it got the "Hot like me![Pancakes]" stamp. No luck with it on Threadless though, no biggie though :)